Monday, September 17, 2007

# 7 Blog about technology

“Library 2.0…it’s not primarily about machines and software: it’s about using the best tools and ideas to provide the best possible service to our users”

[A presentation by Marylaine Block
for the British Colombia Library Association , April 19, 2007

The Learning 2.0 program is all about teaching you how to use web 2.o tools, and some of these tools you may may find useful to help deliver services in the library.

For Exercise #7, simply blog about anything technology related.
Yes, it can be anything that relates to technology!
You just need to share a few thoughts.

Perhaps you might like to talk about 'Creating Content' , or a technology you now rely on to perform everyday tasks.
Try for at least 100-150 words.

We have all come along way using technology in a very short time. Can you remember learning to use a computer and a mouse (!!!), and having to send an email instead of faxing a memo?
Imagine now having to cope without these technologies


Qi said...

Flickr is good fun and I learnt how to organise my photos and images and at the same time you can give tags, comments and organise into sets for you easy to access later on.

tien said...
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tien said...

This activity is interesting and challenging.
It is interesting because it helps me to learn a lot of new things.
It is challenging because it involves techniques that are new for me.

Lynn said...

Flickr is so great, so challenging and so amazing. I have learned so much out of it. I never thought about photos and images could turn into different format (Wallpaper, Cube, Calendar and etc) Wonderful exercise to experience and I really enjoy it.

Genna said...

I find this exercise very challenging.

Genna said...

I have just created my very own second best greeting card

Heather said...

I am happy to have completed my flickr as I used a library treasure - which means I can now share it with everybody

Lynn said...

My Second attempt, I have created FD Toys’ Trading Card Maker which really fun.

ww3 said...

i don't have any flickr needs - i can share my photos with my friends without flickr. basically putting my stuff out there is not my scene.
it's a fine use of technology if you want to spread yourself...